SKI Charities

A Conversation with Shyam: Inspiration Found in Local Mapuche Craft-Making and Cuisine

Hand-made Mapuche Jewelry

Shyam returned from his most recent trip to Lebu, Chile inspired by the crafts, textiles, and food being created by SKImfi microfinance beneficiaries of indigenous Mapuche heritage. SKI Charities aims to give women a path to start and grow sustainable businesses that encourage them to utilize their culturally-embedded skillset.

Listen in to hear more about the progress we are making in Lebu to preserve the traditional Mapuche culture.


  1. Hey,

    I have the same ring as the one pictured above. My friend brought it back from Chile for me. I was wondering if it had a connection to this organization or if it’s simply pictured here to represent the Mapuche ppl/ women.



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